آخرین محصولات

Composition and anti-bacterial activity analysis of citronella …
Hence, the present study has the objectives of optimization of essential oil extraction from different parts of the Java Citronella plant using hydro-distillation technique, physico-chemical characterization of extracted citronella oil and to evaluate the anti-bacterial activity of the extracted oil on some selected bacterial strains.

55 Process Improvement Case Studies & Project Results …
An insurer's process work shortened response times and increased on-time case resolutions by 42%. Cost Savings: Eliminating waste and paperwork reduces expenses. A telecom achieved $2.3 million in annual savings through an RPA initiative. Overview of 55 Process Improvement Case Studies. Here is a high-level snapshot of …

Business Process Optimization: What, How, Why? (Free …
At Process Street, we're all about process optimization: creating, implementing, analyzing, mapping, improving, and automating.. There are a lot of layers to processes and it's easy to get caught up in the complexities. But really, it's quite simple. You need to document your workflow and then follow it, making improvements where …

A practical Framework for the Optimization of
The study of capacity optimization and costing models is an important research topic that deserves contributions from both the practical and theoretical …

Hydrogen production from lignin, cellulose and waste …
Process optimization for catalytic biomass supercritical water gasification process (SCWG) was performed. By catalysts screening using cellulose and lignin as biomass model compounds, K2CO3 and ...

Efficient removal of textile dye using nanosized fly ash …
A detailed study on synthesis of waste-generated nano-adsorbent with its application in removal of CV dye from aqueous solution has been done for the first time. The adsorption process was found to be influenced by various parameters such as solution pH, sorbent mass, initial dye concentration, contact time, and temperature.

Business Process Analysis and Optimization: Beyond Reengineering
This paper offers a state-of-the-art review in the areas of business process modeling, analysis, and optimization-underlining that the latter two have not received enough coverage and support in ...

Extraction of alginate from Sargassum muticum : process optimization
In the present study, alginate extraction from the brown seaweed Sargassum muticum was studied using single factor analysis. Response Surface Methodology-Central Composite Rotatary design (RSM-CCRD) was performed to reduce and optimize extraction temperature, alkali concentration, and consumption of solvent. …

Soybean biodiesel production using synergistic CaO/Ag …
Process optimization was performed using response surface methodology. ... Biodiesel production from palm oil and methanol via zeolite derived catalyst as a phase boundary catalyst: an optimization study by using response surface methodology. Fuel, 272 (2020), Article 117680, 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.117680.

Extraction of betel leaves (Piper betle L.) essential oil and its …
Betel leaf (Piper betle L.) var. Bangla is an essential oil (EO) rich plant belongs to Piperaceace family used as traditional herbal medicine.The extraction of EO from fresh and cured betel leaves is of high interest for industrial application. Thus, the present study was aimed to optimize the EO extraction and its bio-chemical …

A research on electrochemical salt-free dyeing with KN …
A research on electrochemical salt-free dyeing with KN reactive dyes: process optimization studies Zenglu Fan School of Texitiles and Materials, Xi′an Polytechnic University, Xi′an, 710048, China Correspondence [email protected]

Synthesis of 2-Ethyl-3-oxazolidineethanol from Propanal and
2-Ethyl-3-oxazolidineethanol (OE) is an important pharmaceutical intermediate for the treatment of dental plaque. A systematic investigation of the one-pot synthesis of OE from propanal (PA) and diethanolamine (DEA) was conducted herein. The process was carried out under mild reaction conditions without any addition of catalyst, …

Malachite green decolorization by the filamentous fungus
The mechanisms involved in this process were established. Peroxidases and cytochrome P-450 do not mediate MG elimination. ... Malachite green decolorization by the filamentous fungus Myrothecium roridum--Mechanistic study and process optimization Bioresour Technol. 2015 Oct:194:43-8. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2015.07.008.

Hydrogen production from lignin, cellulose and waste …
Process optimization for catalytic biomass supercritical water gasification process (SCWG) was performed. By catalysts screening using cellulose and lignin as biomass model compounds, K 2 CO 3 and 20Ni 0.36Ce/Al 2 O 3 were identified as the best catalysts. Then, an optimization study based on Taguchi experimental design was …

Productivity Improvement through process optimization: Case study …
This paper outlines the improvement of productivity through process optimization at a plastic manufacturing company. The research was a direct application of the concepts of plant layout ...

Process optimization study on the carbonylation of methyl acetate
Process optimization study on the carbonylation of methyl acetate. Author links open overlay panel Baohe Wang, Baomin Ge, Jing ... and is used widely in chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, dyes, spices and other fields. In this paper, the process of carbonylation of methyl acetate in rhodium iodine catalyst system was …

Process optimization, kinetic, and thermodynamic studies …
This study presents the synthesis, characterization, and utilization of marine macroalgae-derived bio-carbon catalysts (BC and KOH-AC) for the efficient conversion of waste cooking oil (WCO) into biodiesel. The biochar (BC) was produced through slow pyrolysis of macroalgal biomass, which was subsequently activated with potassium …

Processes | Free Full-Text | A Step for the Valorization of
Therefore, further studies are needed to optimize the process and to evaluate the best conditions for an economically sound valorization process for iron–peptide complexes. Nonetheless, current results in the development of a new process for the valorisation of spent yeast, in the form of iron-peptide complexes, look promising.

Adsorption of sulfones from actual oxidized diesel oil in the …
The integration of the process optimization study of the response surface methodology (RSM) was analyzed using the Box-Behnken design (BBD). This is to statistically evaluate vital process variables affecting the sulfur reduction in the analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. The simulated optimal operating conditions in the BBD were …

A comprehensive process optimization study of the mixing …
In this study, a comprehensive process optimization analysis for the mixing assisted oxidative desulfurization (MAOD) that undertakes a process intensification method by a high shear mixer and the simultaneous application of the sodium phosphotungstate/hydrogen peroxide (NaPW/H 2 O 2) system were examined for the …

Process optimization in poultry feed mill | Scientific Reports …
Feed manufacturing processes. Feed undergoes many processes before being packaged and sent off to the farms. The feed steps can be summarized in Fig. 1.The figure also shows the important quality ...

Case study: Optimization of production …
Case study: Optimization o f production proc esses . Pavel Viskup 1, *, Kateřina Gálov ... tend to create difficulties in the implementation process. Case study methods were used to ...

Process Optimization Explained
Process optimization is the systematic approach of analyzing and improving business processes to achieve maximum efficiency, effectiveness, and quality. The goal of …

Efficient removal of textile dye using nanosized fly ash …
In addition, adsorption equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies for the process have been done. Regeneration experiments have also been executed to test the reusability of the synthesized nZX adsorbent. ... Process optimization and modeling of heavy metals extraction from a molybdenum rich spent catalyst by aspergillus niger …

Process optimization and study of biogas fermentation …
Process optimization and study of biogas fermentation with a mixture of duck manure and straw. ... Biogas fermentation is a process of material metabolism and energy conversion of ... to regulate the proportion of fermenting materials and therefore study the biogas production characteristics of different mixtures of raw fermentation …

A Review on Optimization of Manufacturing Process …
Abstract—In this study is present a systematic analysis of already published works on formulating and solving optimization problems concerning manufacturing process. Analysis it was performed...

Optimization of Manufacturing Production and Process
This chapter mainly introduces production processing optimization, especially for machining processing optimization on CNC.

Polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis and characterization: A proteogenomic
The optimization is generally done on the various factors such as substrate, and duration and culture conditions (pH, incubation temperature, rpm, etc.). Detailed characterization studies on PHA production using lignin are limited. Our previous study documented this strain for the degradation of LDCs (Morya et al. 2019).

Process Optimization
Process optimization refers to the use of mathematical programming techniques in chemical engineering to ensure cost competitiveness and uphold specifications in …

Process Optimization Study of Zn2+ Adsorption on Biochar …
A novel biochar alginate composite adsorbent was synthesized and applied for removal of Zn2+ ions from aqueous solution. Kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies showed the suitability of the adsorbent. From a Langmuir isotherm study, the maximum monolayer adsorption capacity of the composite adsorbent was found to be …
محصولات مرتبط
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