آخرین محصولات

Geological, isotope geochemical and fluid inclusion
The Co/Ni ratio of pyrite and Zn/Cd ratio of sphalerite can be used to discriminate the VMS, magmatic or SEDEX origins for ore deposits. The Zn/Cd ratio of …

Behavior of critical metals in metamorphosed Pb-Zn ore …
Rare metals (Ge, Ga, In, Cd) are key resources for the development of green technologies and are commonly found as trace elements in base-metal mineral deposits. Many of these deposits are in orogenic belts and the impact of recrystallization on rare metal content and distribution in sphalerite needs to be evaluated. Based on laser …

Initiation of Zn-Pb mineralization in the Pingbao Pb-Zn …
The U-Pb geochronologic system has certain advantages over many other single-decay systems such as sulfide Rb-Sr and Re-Os, as lead has four naturally occurring stable isotopes 204 Pb, 206 Pb, 207 Pb, and 208 Pb, with the latter three decaying from 238 U, 235 U and 232 Th, respectively. Two or three standalone decay systems can be …

Genesis of the giant Caixiashan Zn-Pb deposit in
The Caixiashan Zn-Pb deposit is situated in the western part of the Central Tianshan massif, about 3 km south of the Aqikekuduke Fault (Fig. 1 b).The strata outcropped include the Mesoproterozoic Xingxingxia and Kawabulake groups (Fig. 2).The former comprises a series of metamorphic complex including granulite and schist while …

Linking carbonate-hosted ZnPb deposit to deep mantle
2.Regional geological setting and Huayuan Zn Pb ore field. The Huayuan Zn Pb ore field (>15 Mt. metal resources, at 1–4% Zn, 0.1–1.5% Pb) is located at the western margin of the Nanhua basin in South China (Fig. 1 a). The amalgamation of the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks at ca. 980–820 Ma formed the Jiangnan orogenic belt and the …

چطور تأمین کننده محصول پیدا کنیم؟
برای شروع یک کسب و کار، لازم نیست که حتما خودت محصول رو تولید کنی، بلکه میتونی محصولات رو از تأمینکنندهها ...

Sediment hosted stratiform Barite
The Gushfil stratabound Zn-Pb-(Ag-Ba) deposit is hosted by an Early Cretaceous siliciclastic-carbonate sequence depos-ited in an extensional back-arc basin …

Sphalerite and Pyrite Geochemistry from the Pusangguo Co-Rich Cu–Zn–Pb
The Pusangguo deposit (1.42 Mt @ 1.42% Cu, 0.14 Mt @ 1.82% Zn, 0.08 Mt @ 1.01% Pb, and 285.8 t Co @ 140 g/t Co) is the first Co-rich Cu-Zn-Pb skarn deposit discovered in the Gangdese metallogenic belt. However, the trace and minor element geochemistry of the sulfides in this deposit has not been studied, limiting further …

The genesis of the Dahebian Zn-Pb deposit and associated …
Sulfide and stratiform barite ores in the Dahebian region were mineralized from the same hydrothermal system belonging to a Selwyn-Type SEDEX deposit. Zn-Pb …

Structural Control on the Formation of Pb-Zn Deposits: An …
Pb-Zn deposits and specifically Sedimentary-Exhalative (SEDEX) deposits are frequently found in deformed and/or metamorphosed geological terranes. Ore bodies structure is generally difficult to observe and its relationships to the regional structural framework is often lacking. In the Pyrenean Axial Zone (PAZ), the main Pb-Zn …

(PDF) Zinc and cadmium isotopic constraints on metal …
PDF | On Oct 1, 2023, Zhixin Zhao and others published Zinc and cadmium isotopic constraints on metal sources of the Xitieshan Zn–Pb deposit, NW China | Find, read and cite all the research you ...

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Genesis of Pb–Zn
The Pulang super-large porphyry Cu polymetallic deposit, located in the Sanjiang area of Yunnan Province, is one of the largest Cu deposits in China. This deposit hosts Cu resources of ~5 × 106 t and other ore-forming elements, such as Mo, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, Pt and Pd. Recently, obvious hydrothermal vein-type Pb–Zn mineralization, with a …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Mineralogy and Genesis of the Kihabe Zn-Pb
The Kihabe Zn-Pb-V > (Cu-Ag-Ge) prospect is located at the boundary between Namibia and Botswana (Aha Hills, Ngamiland District) in a strongly deformed Proterozoic fold belt, corresponding to the NE extension of the Namibian Damara Orogen. The Kihabe prospect contains Zn-Pb resources of 14.4 million tonnes at 2.84% zinc …

Effect of Divalent Cations (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, and Sr) on
The metal types and concentrations contributed to the mineralogy of various calcium carbonates precipitated and differences in metal removal rates. Pb and Sr showed more than 99% removal efficiency, whereas Cu, Zn, and Cd showed a low removal efficiency of 30∼60% at a low concentration of 0.05 mM or less.

Isotope geochemistry of Zn, Pb and S in the Ediacaran strata hosted Zn
In the SYG area, four large-scale Zn-Pb deposits (as mentioned above), hosted in the Ediacaran strata, are located in the northwestern part of the SYG metallogenic province at the northwestern margin of the Yangtze Craton, where the strata consist of two components, including crystalline basements and sedimentary rocks (Fig. 1).Generally, …

Environmental and human health risks of potentially
The average blood Zn, Pb, and Cd levels in the mine workers largely exceeded the safe concentration for adults, while 30% of the workers were tested positive for As in blood. In vitro digestion extractions indicated that the highest bioaccessible contents of As, Cd, Pb, Ni and Zn were found for the industrial-residential and mine soils …

Diagenetic History and Timing of Cu and Zn-Pb Sulfide
The Southern Permian basin in central Europe contains a number of important high-grade sediment-hosted Cu deposits. Laterally extensive stratabound Cu and Zn-Pb sulfide mineralized rocks are located at a major stratigraphic redox boundary, where coarse-grained continental sandstones of the uppermost Rotliegend Group are overlain …

چگونه تامین کننده پیدا کنیم؟ | سازیتو
افراد هنگام تصمیمگیری برای شروع یک کسب و کار با چالش بزرگی تحت عنوان پیدا کردن تامین کننده مواجه میشوند. در این مقاله، ما به این سوال که چگونه تامین کننده مناسب پیدا کنیم؟ پاسخ خواهیم داد.

Sediment hosted stratiform barite – (Cu-Zn-Pb) deposits in …
The Precambrian-aged metasedimentary succession, located in the SW Mahabad, NW Iran, hosts several sediment hosted stratiform Ba- (Pb-Cu-Zn) deposits. …

New insights into the metallogeny of MVT Zn-Pb deposits: A …
The newly discovered Nayongzhi Zn-Pb deposit (>20 Mt ores at 1.11–15.65 wt% Zn and 0.59–0.97 wt% Pb) in NW Guizhou province, South China, is hosted by late Ediacaran and early Cambrian carbonate rocks. The ore body is structurally controlled by a kilometer-scale reverse fault-anticline system and occurs as stratiform, lentiform, or steeply ...

The Rammelsberg shale-hosted Cu-Zn-Pb sulfide and …
Silver (up to 150 g/t) and gold (0.1-0.4 g/t) were variable. Brown ore (Braunerz): The next lens (grey) consisted mainly of sphalerite (32% Zn) and galena (20% Pb), minor …

The fate of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd during the pyrolysis of sewage …
The result indicates that the TCLP concentration of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd dropped sharply after the temperature reached 350 °C, 550 °C, 500 °C and 400 °C respectively, which means pyrolysis can enhance the stability of these four metals when the temperature is high enough. Keywords: sewage sludge; residue;

Genesis of the sediment-hosted Haerdaban Zn–Pb deposit
Haerdaban is a newly discovered Zn–Pb deposit (0.64 Mt at 6.19 wt% Zn and 1.09 wt% Pb) in the Western Tianshan, NW China. Sulfide mineralization mainly occurs as veins, breccias, and semi-massive ores within the dolomitic limestone and calcareous slate. Here we use Rb–Sr sphalerite and SHRIMP U–Pb zircon geochronology to place …

لیست ده تایی بهترین تولیدکنندگان تجهیزات برق صنعتی | تامینکننده قطعات برقی
شرکت مهندسی کیان کنترل آپادانا، از برندهای برتر تامینکننده قطعات برقی صنعتی است که از شرکت فستو پنوماتیک نمایندگی رسمی داشته و در حوزه اتوماسیون صنعتی و کنترل فرآیند محرک های صنعتی فعالیت های خود را گسترش داده است.

Frontiers | Trace element composition and genesis …
1 Introduction. In the southwestern block of the Yangtze craton, South China, the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou (SYG) metallogenic province hosts world-class carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits, which are mostly associated with low-temperature fluids (<300°C) (Huang et al., 2011; Hu et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2018b).The Pb-Zn deposits in this area …

The world-class Jinding Zn–Pb deposit: ore formation in an …
The Jinding Zn–Pb sediment-hosted deposit in western Yunnan, China, is the fourth largest Zn deposit in Asia. Based on field observations of the ore textures, breccias, and the sandstone host rocks, the ores formed in a dome that was created by the diapiric migration of evaporites in the Lanping Basin during Paleogene deformation and thrust …

The Characteristics and Origin of Barite in the Giant Mehdiabad Zn-Pb
Mehdiabad is the world's largest Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) Zn-Pb deposit (394 million tonnes [Mt] of metal ore at 4.2% Zn, 1.6% Pb) and contains significant barite resources (>40 Mt). Such large accumulations of barite are not common in carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb deposits.

Genesis of carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb deposits in the Late …
The Sichuan-Yunan-Guizhou triangle region contains numerous economically important carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb deposits that occur in the Late Indosinian thrust and fold system rather than foreland basin. In this paper, we investigate the thrust-controlled Zhugongtang deposit (>30.0 Mt ores @ 6.76 wt% Zn and 2.27 wt% Pb) as a case study, using ore …

The Zn-Pb sulfide and Pb-Zn-Ag non-sulfide Kuh-e-Surmeh …
The Kuh-e-Surmeh Zn-Pb district is situated in the region between 28°30′ and 28°32′30″N and 52°29′30″ and 52°32′30″E. This is the only known Zn-Pb district in the ZSFB (Fig. 1 A, B).The district is divided into three parts, including: the economic Kuh-e-Surmeh, the sub-economic Dashte Bahram, and the sub-economic Chemeh Surmeh …

Geological, isotope geochemical and fluid inclusion
A two-fold subdivision for stratiform sediment-hosted Pb-Zn (sedimentary exhalative, sedex) deposits is proposed, based on fundamental differences in the …
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