آخرین محصولات

Large diameter boring
Rolling mill chocks with internal coolant supply, ready for assembly on cylinders in the rolling mill production line. Milled and bored. Material: Cast steel. Dimensions: 6 ½' x 10 ½', Hole Dia. 5'. For a production line in …

Strip Profile Control System for Aluminium Hot Strip Mill
The roughing mill has a work roll bender as a strip profile control actuator, and the finishing mill has a double chock work roll bender (DCWRB ) f o r each of the stand as a strip profile control actuator. The finishing mill is also provided with VC backup rolls (VC-BUR) that may be used for all o f its stands .

Bearing Chock Manufacturers
We are engaged in providing Bearing Chock which is dimensionally accurate and capable to bear heavy loads. Shree gautam International is quality Bearing Chock manufacturers as per …

Rolling Mills: 6 Different Types of Rolling Mills [Images
#1 Two High Rolling Mills. It contains two heavy rolls fixed one over the other. The rolls are supported in bearings housed in sturdy upright frames (called stands) which are grouted to the rolling mill floor. The vertical gap between the roll is adjustable. The rolls rotate in opposite directions and are driven by electrical motors.

The present work involves the design optimization of work roll chock and backup Roll chock in cold rolling mill, to control the failure of choke in the cold rolling mill for retain …

What Is a Roughing Stand in a Rolling Mill?
The standing body is the main structure of the rough rolling stand. It is usually made of cast steel or welded steel structure and has sufficient strength and stiffness to withstand various forces during the …

Cold Rolling Mill
Maximum Weight 25 ton (including sleeve) Mill Stand #2 Work Roll Diameter: Drive Motor 2 x 750 kW @ 520/1,400 rpm Temper Mill (both Stands) 510 mm ~ 560 mm Pinion Stand 1.5 : 1 (2-inputs, 2-outputs) Double Red. Mill (Stand #1) 360 mm ~ 400 mm Mill Speed 0 / 557 / 1500 mpm (Stand #2) 510 mm ~ 560 mm Exit S-Bridle Rolls (2 rolls)

Hot and cold rolling mill equipment rebuild
Roll change rigs. ANDRITZ Metals USA provides engineering and supply of new or upgraded roll change equipment for rolling mills. Mill types included are skin pass, temper, hot and cold rolling mills. Mill configurations include 2 High, 4 High and 6 High. Styles that are provided are as follows: Porter bar; Hydraulic cylinder retraction and ...

FAG Rolling Bearings for Rolling Mill Applications
in rolling mills. Tapered roller bearingsare separable. Despite thisfact, however, itisnot possible – asisthe case with cylindricalroller bearings– to first fitthe inner ringsonto the roll neck, fitthe outer ringsinto the chockand finallyslip the chock onto the rollneck. The complete bearing hasto be mounted into the chock, and then the ...

Design and Analysis of Cold Rolling Mill Chock
Design of chocks for a cold rolling mill is essential to know the maximum load acting on a chock to prevent from a failure, so design of chock required stiffness to transmit a …

Through the Pomini brand, Tenova is worldwide leader in the design and supply of Roll Grinders for flat product rolling mills, as well as of special machines for grinding of …

elements in a rolling mill that enclose and support the chock assemblies, the adjusting mechanism etc., and retain them in their proper positions. They set the rolls in correct …

Roll Mill MP1000 Countershaft Bushing | Crusher Mills, …
Energy Saving Two Roll Mill Machine For Mixing And Kneading Raw stone categories of Zhangjiagang Jiu Yang Machinery Co., LTD : we are good quality Two Roll Mill … rough chock roll mill-[crusher and mill] Mill Services. Roll Grinding; Dynamic Balancing; EDT & Chrome Plating … roller mill working mechanism; mp1000 bmw cone crusher; Mining ...

Bronze Liners and Wear Plates for Metal Rolling Mills
For a mill to roll any product to an accurate shape and size, the alignment of the rolls and roll gap must be precisely maintained. ... Backup Roll Chock Liners- Backup roll outside chock liners protect the chock from wear and allow close clearances between the mill housing and backup roll chocks. This helps to maintain roll alignment …

rough chock roll mill
The steel roughing mill stand is used to reduce the thickness of the steel while extending the overall length. The rack of the rough rolling mill is an important part of the steel frame. The rack is equipped with a roll chock and a roll adjustment device. The rolling mill stand must have sufficient strength and rigidity to withstand the rolling ...

CHOCK SERVICE DIVISION – Glunt Industries, Inc
Glunt Industries has a repair facility designed exclusively for chock rebuilding of backup and work roll chocks. Our chock service is available for chock fabrication of any size. Our chock services feature high-quality workmanship and our meticulous attention to detail are truly unparalleled across the entire industry and worldwide.

China Customized Rolling Mill Chocks Manufacturers …
Roll Chocks Types. According to the application and location in the mill, the rolls are generally categorized into 4 types. 1. Upper Work Roll Chock. 2. Lower Work Roll Chock. 3. Upper Back Up Roll Chock. 4. Lower Back Up Roll Chock. Material. The Roll Chocks are manufactured by cast steel and forged steel.

Roughing Rolling Mill Stand
The roughing mill stands are used to reduce the thickness of the steel while at the same time extending the overall length. Rolling mill stand is an important part of a work stand, roll bearing chock and roller adjustment device is installed on the frame.

Design and Analysis of Cold Rolling Mill Chock
Keywords: cold rolling mill, work roll and back-up roll chock, mill housing, 3D modeling 1. Introduction Rolling mill chocks are the maximum stressed bearing component in a manufactured item, and so are most liable to consistent the …

C.A.E OF WORK ROLL CHOCK AND BACKUP ROLL CHOCK OF COLD ROLLING MILL Snehal Nemade1, D.D. Baviskar2, G.M. Lonare3 1M.E. Scholar, 2Assistant Professor, 3Associate Professor BVCOE Kharghar Mumbai (India)

Rolling MillChocks Geared Supplier,Exporter
With the support of our experienced professionals, we are offering exclusive quality Back Up Roll Chocks. Quality is our main concern, for this we manufacture and exporter this mill chock using quality checked raw material and modern technology.

What Is a Roughing Stand in a Rolling Mill?
The rough rolling stand usually has only one rolling mill, which achieves recrystallization and refinement of grains through large reduction, while effectively controlling central defects. In this process, …

GE240 cast roll chock for rolling mills with normalizing
Ge240 Cast Roll Chock For Rolling Mills With Normalizing, Find Complete Details about Ge240 Cast Roll Chock For Rolling Mills With Normalizing,Bearing Housing,Roll Chock,Steel Casting from Metal & Metallurgy Machinery Parts Supplier or Manufacturer-Haian Haitai Casting Co.,Ltd.

Stress Analysis of Two High Rolling Mill Chock for …
Stress Analysis of Two High Rolling Mill Chock for Improving Service Life Using Finite Element Analysis Laxmikant Patil and M. Dubey ... the best suitable material for roll chock (Figs. 49.4, 49.5 and 49.6). 1. Max. Principle stress versus total deformation. 2. Equivalent (Von-Mises) stress versus total deformation.

Stress Analysis of Two High Rolling Mill Chock for …
In this paper, the stress analysis of roll chock made of gray cast iron, CA6NM, CF8, EN8, and Fe-410 materials has been used for FEA analysis using a FEA software, and from the results, it has been concluded that the chock made of CA6NM material produced 50.01% lesser deformation and 2.96% less equivalent stresses than …

Cluster, Foil, Cold Mills Work rolls, intermediate rolls, back-up rings Ø max. 450mm Cold & Hot Mill Work and intermediate rolls Ø max. 800mm With and without chocks Cold & Hot Mill Work, intermediate and back-up rolls Ø max. 1800mm With and without chocks Plate & Hot Mill Work rolls, back-up rolls Ø max. 2400mm + With and without chocks

Chock, Bearing Housing
SMS group expertly maintains and repairs rolling mill chocks and small bearing housings. We also build new chocks, chock components and small bearing housings to OEM and customer specifications. Our products and services help steel and aluminum producers and bronze and brass mills achieve their quality and productivity goals and reduce their …

Labyrinth Ring
Chock for Working Rolls Mill 1700 Stand 4-6 / Bottom Chock / Upper Chock / Top Chock of Backup Roll-Part of Reversing Cold Mill / Block of the Fronthead: Coupling : Steel 45 (Forged) / Steel 35 / Steel 35CrMo(Casting) ... → inspection → rough machining → UT → 2nd heat treatment → finishing machining → inspection . ...

Rolling Mill Spare Parts,Steel Rolling Mill Components,Rolling Mill …
Work Roll Chock Assembly; Mandrel Shaft; Pinch Rolls; Forged Rolls; Metal Straightening Machine; Burger Line; Roller Guide Box; ... Product Range :-Rolling Mill Equipment, Roll Mill Forming Cut Line, Coil Processing Lines, Lamination Core Cutting Machine, Power Press Machine, ...

Analysis of Causes and Remedy of Chattering in the …
Roll Gap in the Mill under study, the roll gap is lubri-cated, and the roll barrels are cooled and cleaned by the ... Reduction in rough- ... roll chock 8, and a lower work roll 5 supported by a ...
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