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Retired coal-fired plant in New Mexico to host hydrogen-based project
Newpoint Gas LLC and Brooks Energy Company have formed a partnership known as Escalante H2 Power, which intends to repurpose a now retired coal-fired power plant in New Mexico to a zero-emission, hydrogen-fired power facility.

Colorado-based Tri-State plans to boost renewables, close coal plants
Final Colorado coal plant would close, renewables would rise in Tri-State plan Colorado-based wholesale power supplier is seeking $970M in federal funds to cut greenhouse-gas emissions

Coal fields and mines of New Mexico
underlie about a fifth of New Mexico. Coal resources, estimated to exceed 282 billion short tons; (Shomaker and others, 1971), com;titute a major asset in New Me}(. ico's energy fmure. Thi/, map presenh an overview of the occurrence and characteristics of coal i1n New Mex ico. The map shows 1he areas where coal-bearing forma tions occur.

The Biggest Coal Power Plant in the American West Closed. What Happens
An emblem of coal power in the United States — and a symbol of coal's tight bond with water — is being dismantled, piece by piece. Navajo Generating Station was the largest coal-fired power plant in the American West, a testament to the political bargaining generations ago that divvied up the region's land, minerals, and water.

News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's US edition
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Latin America's role in coal extraction and use
In 2020, coal-fired power plants produced 10 percent of Mexico's electricity and emitted 22 percent of the energy sector's total greenhouse gases, according to calculations by the Mexico Climate Initiative. Coal production and electricity generation from the mineral are concentrated in the state of Coahuila, where 99 percent of Mexico's coal ...

New Mexico's Coal and Electricity fall 2014
Map of New Mexico coal fields and coal mines, plus coal-fired power plants in New Mexico and Arizona. Coal-fired power plants Active mines 1 San Juan, Public Service Co. of New Mexico 2 Four Corners, Arizona Public Service Co. 3 Escalante, Tri-State Generating and Transmission Coop. 4 Cholla, Arizona Public Service Co.

Securitization in Action: How US States Are Shaping an Equitable Coal
Securitization is a financing tool that creates the possibility for a rare win-win-win: as a coal plant retires, ... In the past six months, Wisconsin, Michigan, and New Mexico have authorized utilities to use securitization to mitigate the impacts of coal plant retirement. More states, including Colorado, have recently passed or are ...

U.S. Energy Information Administration
Coal was the third-largest source of in-state generation at 19%, down from almost 90% two decades earlier. 76 Until 2022, New Mexico's two largest power plants were coal-fired, but the San Juan Generating Station, the second-largest, was retired in mid-2022. 77 About 2,500 megawatts of the state's coal-fired capacity has retired since 2010. 78 ...

Delayed U.S. coal plant closures are bumps in the …
The strong growth led to a milestone in April, when combined utility-scale solar and wind (without adding hydro) produced more electricity than either coal or nuclear, vaulting these green resources into the …

Energy profile: Mexico
Despite having its own domestic production, Mexico must still import coal to supply its three large coal-fired power plants: Carbon II, José López Portillo, and Petacalco. Coal is …

Column: Here are the 32 coal plants still powering the …
Over the last two decades, 21 coal-fired power plants have shut down across the Western U.S. Twenty-one down, 32 to go. Those numbers are based on a Sierra Club tracker and an L.A. Times analysis ...

Carbón II power station
Operated by CFE (Mexico's federal electricity commission) since 1993, the Carbón II plant is one of Latin America's largest coal-fired power stations. The plant's four generating units have a capacity of 350 MW each, for a total capacity of 1400 MW. Coal for the plant is sourced from the Micare Coal Mine.

Mexico's three large coal plants began operating between 1983 and 1993 and have a combined capacity of nearly 5,400 megawatts (MW). Coal has supplied some of …

Executive summary – Coal in Net Zero Transitions
If operated for typical lifetimes and utilisation rates, the existing worldwide coal‐fired fleet would emit 330 Gt of CO 2 – more than the historical emissions to date of all coal plants that have ever operated. There are around 9 000 coal‐fired power plants around the world, representing 2 185 gigawatts (GW) of capacity; around three‐quarters of this is in …

New study: Coal power plants contributed to 27,000 'excess …
New research published in the journal Science attributes 460,000 "excess" deaths in the United States from 1999-2020 to pollution from coal-fired power plants. This figure, double the previously estimated death toll, sheds light on the severe health impacts of coal-related fine particulate (PM2.5) pollution.

Inequitable Exposures to U.S. Coal Power Plant–Related
Electricity generation from U.S. coal power plants was historically a major contributor to poor air quality—notably in the form of particulate matter (PM) and ozone from sulfur and nitrogen emissions. 1–3 To curb pollution from coal power plants, the U.S. Congress enacted coal power plant emissions regulations under the 1990 Clean Air Act …

Shutdown approaches for New Mexico coal …
PREWITT, N.M. (AP) — A coal-fired power plant in western New Mexico will be shutting down by the end of the year, and local officials are bracing for the economic consequences of the closure.

U.S. shift away from coal hits tribal community in …
The closure of the coal-fired power plant and the adjacent mine is resulting in the loss of hundreds of jobs and tens of millions of dollars in tax revenue for a local school district that serves ...

Mexico and coal
The USGS reported that the following distribution of reserves among Mexico's main coal concession holders: 1. Minera Carbonifera Rio Econdido S.A de C.V. (Micare) (affiliated with Grupo Acerero del Norte S.A. de C.V.), 53% 2. Materiales Industrializados S.A. de C.V. (MINSA), 38% 3. …

A brief review on coal reserves, production and …
The aim of the present brief review was to contextualize reserves and critically assess the coal production in Mexico from 1970 to 2021 to identify the location and production patterns; as well as to identify the shift from …

Air quality, health and toxics impacts of coal power and …
The Carbón 1 & 2 power plants, with a combined capacity of 2,600 megawatts (MW), in Coahuila, North Mexico, constitute the largest coal-burning facility and one of the largest air pollutant emissions hotspots in the country. Now, plans for a new 1,400 MW coal power plant in the region have been announced.

Mexico: A return to favoring coal-fired power?
The decision last summer to buy two million tons of coal was not an anamoly in the Mexico power generation plans for the future. It was a sign of which direction that President Andrés Manuel ...

Energy profile: Mexico
Mexico consumed nearly 21 million short tons of coal in 2019. Imports & source countries. Despite having its own domestic production, Mexico must still import coal to supply its three large coal-fired power plants: Carbon II, José López Portillo, and Petacalco. Coal is mostly sourced from Australia, Colombia, Canada and the United States.

A dangerous form of coal mining is revived in Mexico, …
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador enacted a plan two years ago to revive coal-fired power plants in northern Mexico and give preference to buying coal from the smallest mines. The purchases ...

Coal is a black or brownish-black sedimentary rock that can be burned for fuel and used to generate electricity.It is composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons, which contain energy that can be released through combustion (burning). Coal is the largest source of energy for generating electricity in the world, and the most abundant fossil fuel …

Can N.M. build world's largest coal CCS project?
Closing the plant is part of the company's goal to achieve 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2040, and is in line with New Mexico's 2010 Energy Transition Act, which requires the state ...

Temporal Variability of Mercury Emissions from a Coal-Fired Power Plant
MERCURY EMISSIONS BY THE THREE COALFIRED POWER PLANTS FROM MEXICO ACCORDING TO SOSA et al. (2016) Coal fired-power plant Carbón I Carbón II CETEPEC Total Mercury emission (kg/year) 2012 2013 526 478 4477 4477 469 438 4433 4433 According to the USEPA (2011) it is very important to determine the GEM, GOM and …

New Mexico Regulators Reject Utility's Effort to Recoup …
Regulators have rejected an effort by New Mexico's largest electric utility to recoup from customers millions of dollars of investments made in a coal-fired power plant in the northwestern corner ...

Coal Mining History, New Mexico
Coal in New Mexico • New Mexico has had a rich coal mining history • sub-bituminous to bituminous grade • Coal is formed from plant material that was deposited millions of years ago in swampy environments, before being buried and compressed by heat and pressure over time to become carbon rich bedded layers • New Mexico's coal beds all ...
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