آخرین محصولات

Managing Health Effects of Beryllium Exposure

Several approaches for screening or surveillance of beryllium workers can be found in the scientific literature (see Table 7-2 for some examples). ... Such programs have been imple- mented in a beryllium-products manufacturing plant (Deubner and Kent 2007) and in the Department of Energyâ s CBD-prevention program (DOE 2001). A similar program ...

Desorption and Migration Behavior of Beryllium from Contaminated …

Factors influencing the desorption, distribution, and vertical migration behavior of Be in contaminated soils are not fully understood. This study examined the desorption and migration of Be in a soil profile from a legacy radioactive waste disposal site using different batch leaching [monofilled waste extraction procedure (MWEP); synthetic precipitation …

Protecting Workers from Exposure to Beryllium and …

The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has finalized new beryllium standards for general industry, construction, and shipyards that …

(PDF) Toxicity Assessments of Antimony, Barium, Beryllium…

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ, 1998) Screening level for plants: 5 Screening level for mammals: 15 Report for U.S. Army soldier and biological chemical command (Kuperman et al ...

National Supplemental Screening Program

Pinellas Plant; Rocky Flats Plant; Savannah River Site; ... (BeLPT) and was instrumental in bringing this test into routine use for both clinical diagnosis and screening of beryllium-exposed workers, leading to the current clinical definition of beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease. Dr.

Beryllium natural background concentration and mobility: a …

Most plants take up beryllium from the soil in small amounts, and very little is translocated from the roots to other plant parts (WHO 1990). ... The overall result of this screening tests indicates that beryllium in the investigated rocks has significant mobility. Therefore, a change of pH or redox conditions can result in an enhanced ...


For example, exposure to beryllium may be an acute, traumatic episodeat work, such as a puncture wound from beryllium metal. Beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease as an occupational disease: For an occupational disease, establishing workrelatedness requires a more critical analys- is that

Screening for beryllium disease at the Nevada test site: …

Beryllium screening, as part of the overall surveillance program, started in 2000. Workers are selected for screening based on their response to a series of work task and job location questions. To date approximately 1000 workers have been screened. Industrial hygiene data, sensitivity rates, and analysis of screening results will be …

Screening for Chronic Beryllium Disease | One Hurdle …

Kreiss K, Wasserman S, Mroz MM, Newman LS. Beryllium disease screening in the ceramics industry: blood lymphocyte test performance and exposure-disease relations. ... Barna B. Risks of beryllium disease related to work processes at a metal, alloy, and oxide production plant. Occup Environ Med 1997;54: 605 –612. Crossref, ...

The uses and adverse effects of beryllium on health

INTRODUCTION. Beryllium (Be) mostly occurs naturally as beryllium aluminium silicate (beryl), 3BeO.Al 2 O 3.6SiO 2.As a naturally occurring element, beryllium is present in rocks, coal and oil, soil and volcanic dust.[] The element forms a light, hard, noncorrosive metal.[] Although beryllium was discovered in 1798, it only became commercially …

(PDF) Risk of beryllium sensitization in a low-exposed …

Screening blood test identifies subclinical beryllium disease. J Occup Med 31:603–608. Kreiss K, Mroz MM, Zhen B, Martyny JW, Newman LS. 1993a. Epidemiology of beryllium sensitization and disease in nuclear workers. Am Rev Respir Dis 148:985–991. Kreiss K, Wasserman S, Mroz MM, Newman LS. 1993b. Beryllium disease screening in the …

Chronic Beryllium Disease

A new OSHA ruling released in early 2017 and implemented in late 2018 reduced the PEL for beryllium, increased requirements for …


Beryllium is a lightweight metal that occurs naturally in rocks, coal, soil, and volcanic dust. Commercially, bertrandite and beryl ore are mined for the recovery of beryllium. Because beryllium is the lightest non-reactive …

Beryllium plant: Public needs to speak out about their …

The Materion plant, the nation's largest manufacturer of beryllium oxide products in on South Tucson Boulevard in a residential neighborhood with numerous nearby schools. Materion, formerly known ...

Screening for beryllium disease among construction …

Historical documents indicated that beryllium usage at the Oak Ridge Y-12 plant site began in 1946 at one location and was extended to multiple buildings or areas in the 1950s ... Beryllium Screening Among Construction Workers 209. referred for a confirmatory BeLPT and for a respiratory

Justification for screening for chronic beryllium …

cyte proliferation testing for screening of asymptomatic individuals: an evidence-based assessment. JOEM 2006; 48: 937–947. 22 Cullen MR. Screening for chronic beryllium disease: one hurdle down, two to go. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2005; 171: 3–4. SCREENING FOR CHRONIC BERYLLIUM DISEASE M.D. ROSSMAN 544 VOLUME …

Chronic Beryllium Disease : Update on a Moving Target

This review highlights advances in our understanding of the pathway from beryllium exposure to sensitization and progression to CBD that guided the development …

Toxicological Benchmarks for Screening …

1.1 SCREENING BENCHMARKS IN ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT An impor tant step in ecological risk assessment is screening the chemicals occurring on a site for contam inants of potential concern. Screening may be accomplished by comparing reported concentrations in media to a set of toxicological benchmarks. Multiple …

Efficacy of Serial Medical Chronic Beryllium Machining …

Overview of Plant Conditions The 100,000 square foot beryllium metal machining plant opened in 1969 and at the time of this study employed approximately 186 indi-viduals. Processes at the plant in-clude receipt and inspection of ma-terials, mechanical machining and polishing, electrical discharge ma-chining, acid etching, final inspec-

Occupational exposure to beryllium and cancer …

We conducted a systematic review of epidemiologic studies on cancer among workers exposed to beryllium, including a study of …

Justification for screening for chronic beryllium disease: closer …

Chronic beryllium disease (CBD) appeared to be waning 30 yrs ago 1. In 1980, less than one case per year was reported and the incidence rate per ton of beryllium produced had declined from between five and 10, to less than 0.001. CBD appeared to be heading toward the medical archives as a success story of environmental control in the absence of …


(1996) study, screening workers at a US beryllium ceramics plant to determine whether the plant-wide prevalence of beryllium sensitization and disease had declined in the 6-year interval since first screening, and to explore exposure–response relationships. Historical airborne beryllium measurements (task- and time-specific) were combined ...

Physics and chemistry of beryllium

A large deposit of beryllium occurs at Spor Mountain, Utah in water-laid tuff.This mineralization is believed to have oc-curred through the ascent of fluorine-rich hydrothermal solutions. Much of the beryllium is present as bertrandite.The presence of beryllium was originally discovered using a berylometer, 8an instrument utilizing the Be. 9 (n ...

Ecological Soil Screening Levels for Beryllium

amounts of beryllium in comparison to soil as cited in IPCS, 1990. Eco-SSL values for beryllium were derived for soil invertebrates and mammalian wildlife (Table 2.1). Eco-SSL values for beryllium could not be derived for plants or avian wildlife. For these receptor groups, data were insufficient to derive soil screening values. The Eco-SSLs for

Beryllium Screening Raises Ethical Issues | Science

As a result, DOE and Brush Wellman have expanded their screening programs and introduced new measures to reduce dust, including protective gear for those subject to …

Beryllium Surface Levels in a Military Ammunition Plant

Surface sampling provided information useful for categorizing munitions plant jobs by level of past beryllium airborne and skin exposure and, subsequently, for identifying employees within exposure strata to be screened for bryllium sensitization. This study evaluated the presence of beryllium surface contamination in a U.S. conventional …

Efficacy of Serial Medical Surveillance for Chronic Beryllium …

109 2 /1.8 5 /10 2 /5.9 22 /9.4 Medical Surveillance for Chronic Beryllium Disease • Newman et al 234 TABLE 2 Test Results* of Employees With Abnormal Blood BeLPT Results on Biennial Rescreening in a Precision Machining Plant, 1995–1999 Initial Screening (1995) Follow-up Screening (1997) Follow-Up Screening (1999) Patient …

Preventing Sensitization and Disease from Beryllium …

beryllium dusts, fumes, mists, and beryllium-containing solutions and suspensions. Install, use, and maintain effective engineer-ing controls for processes that create beryllium dusts, fumes, mists, and beryllium-containing solutions and suspensions. Keep airborne concentrations of beryllium as low as possible, since a safe exposure limit for

Progression from Beryllium Exposure to Chronic Beryllium …

BackgroundUnderstanding the progression from beryllium exposure (BeE) to chronic beryllium disease (CBD) is essential for optimizing screening and early intervention to prevent CBD.MethodsWe developed an analytic Markov model of progression to CBD that assigns annual probabilities for progression through three …

Desorption and Migration Behavior of Beryllium …

The present study was undertaken to obtain information on the leachability and immobilization of beryllium from solid waste red-mud generated in processing Beryl at the Beryllium Metal Plant at Vashi, New Bombay.