آخرین محصولات

Lime activated flyash-phosphogypsum blend as a low-cost …
This study investigates the potential of a blended binder formulated from two industrial solid wastes viz. phosphogypsum and fly ash in combination with lime. Three …

Potential use of fly ash in structural fill application: a review
Globally, over the years, fly ash (FA) has been successfully used in structural fills as a substitute for conventional infill material. As per the global industry trends and forecast report, the utilization rate of FA in 2021 was 74% in China, 65% in India, and 70% in the United States (US). Despite substantial research being done on the usage of FA …

Influence of the ultra-fine fly ash dosages on the mechanical
In this work, the "blend" refers to that the UFA is as a partial substitute of material A and material B in HWBM, and "dosages of UFA" refers to the "substitutionary …

Neutralization of acid mine drainage using fly ash, and …
Introduction Throughout the world, fly ash (FA), an abundant by-product of coal combustion in power stations, is mostly disposed of in landfills; only a small part of it is used constructively. Poor management of FA is responsible for environmental problems such as loss of usable land, contamination of plants and soil, air pollution and eyesores. Most of …

Mechanical properties prediction of metakaolin and fly ash
The field of construction materials and sustainable infrastructure has witnessed a significant shift towards environmentally friendly alternatives. Geopolymers, as an emerging class of materials, have gained substantial attention due to their eco-friendly nature and mechanical properties. One of the key ingredients in geopolymer …

Remediation of acid mine drainage using zeolites synthesized from coal
In this book chapter, the potentiality of residual oil fly ash (ROFA) as a precursor of activated carbon will be discussed in details. ROFA is a by-product of the combustion process of residual ...

A review on the geotechnical response of fly ash-colliery …
Regressive coal mining to meet rising electricity demand has resulted in increased dumps of colliery spoil (CS) and fly ash (FA). These dumps must be adequately managed to …

Investigation of the deposition characteristics of ammonium …
Meanwhile, the results show that the deposition characteristics of ABS and fly ash blend is strongly influenced by the distribution and the condensation behavior of ABS. This work makes a contribution to a deeper understanding of deposition characteristics of ammonium bisulfate and fly ash blend, which is important for boilers to control the ...

Hydraulic Conductivity of Fly Ash-Amended Mine Tailings
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of fly ash addition on hydraulic conductivity (k) of mine tailings. Mine tailings used in this study were categorized as synthetic tailings and natural tailings; two synthetic tailings were developed via blending commercially-available soils and natural tailings were collected from a garnet mine …

A study on the synthesis and performance evaluation of fly …
The study evaluated the mechanical properties of the concrete mixtures, including workability, compressive strength, split tensile strength, and flexural strength. …

Solidification of (Pb–Zn) mine tailings by fly ash-based …
Fly ash-based geopolymer is a crucial application for tackling climate change, limiting the production of greenhouse emissions. The main aim of this study was to determine the effect of the fundamental parameters on compressive strength to ensure a feasible and effective solidification of mine tailings. Three sodium hydroxide (NaOH) …

Fly ash and lime-stabilized biosolid mixtures in mine spoil …
Large quantities of neutral coal fly ash can be profitably used ( Abbott et al., 2001) by co-application of a lime-stabilized biosolid for the reclamation of acid mine spoil. Application of coal ...

The global market of fly ash
Double-liner systems resist percolating liquids like tar, paints, bio-medical fluids, etc. ... of about 1.12×10 –9 m/s, making it a possibly suitable candidate to be used as an alternative in fly ash blend material for the construction of geoliners. Kaolin is clay with a particle size smaller than 2 µm, and permeability tests are most ...

Cement with Fly Ash and Metakaolin Blend Drive …
Energies 2022, 15, 3556 2 of 13 organic-silicon substances [4]. When choosing a method for activating mineral additives, it is necessary to take into account, along with the effect of increasing ...

(PDF) Treatment of acid mine drainage with coal fly ash in a …
A 1500 L batch jet loop reactor pilot plant was designed, constructed, and evaluated for performance in the treatment of acid mine drainage (AMD) using coal fly ash with a view to optimize its ...

A plant investigation into the use of treated phosphogypsum …
DOI: 10.1016/S0892-6875(01)00074-7 Corpus ID: 98620130; A plant investigation into the use of treated phosphogypsum as a set-retarder in OPC and an OPC/fly ash blend @article{Potgieter2001API, title={A plant investigation into the use of treated phosphogypsum as a set-retarder in OPC and an OPC/fly ash blend}, …

Use of fly ash in the production of geopolymers: a literature …
M. Jin and co-workers, in the fly ash based geopolymer with metakaolin-MSWI, they performed the leaching test consisting of an acid combination, resulting from combining sulfuric acid in conjunction with nitric acid in a ratio of 2 to 1, they added distilled water, obtaining a moderate pH value of 3. 2 ± 0.05, 10 g of dry crushed samples ...

Fly ash for soil amelioration: A review on the influence of ash
Fly ash properties. The ash generated in TPPs is of two types i.e. FA and bottom ash (BA). The FA (constituting 80% of the total ash produced in a coal combustion power plant), being the lighter fraction, is carried away by flue gasses up into the chimney and collected thorough mechanical processes, electrostatic precipitators, and fabric filters.

Sustainable transformation of fly ash industrial …
ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Word count: 5731 Sustainable transformation of fly ash industrial waste into a construction cement blend via CO2 carbonation Amirali Ebrahimi, Morteza Saffari, Dia Milani, Alejandro …

Hydraulic Conductivity of Fly Ash-Amended Mine Tailings
Fly ash was added to mine tailings to constitute 10 % dry mass of the mixture, and specimens were cured for 7 and 28 days. ... Microstructure test results showed that the diffusion double layer ...

Arsenic(V) Immobilization in Fly Ash and Lead-Zinc Mine …
Herein we demonstrate that geopolymerization of a mixture of the toxic-bearing mine tailings and the coal fly ash (FA) with a blending of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate solution can ...

Utilization of limestone powder and fly ash in blended …
Fly ash (FA), as one of the common supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), has been widely used in engineering application due to its well-known advantages. The addition of FA can increase the flow ability [9], [10], [11], decrease hydration heat and restrain the cracking risk [12], contributing to the long-term development of strength ...

Applications of Portland cement blended with fly ash and …
Portland cement is an effective but expensive option for source control of acid mine drainage (AMD); the cost could be reduced by blending the cement with cheap …

Experimental and numerical techniques to evaluate …
A comprehensive investigation was performed to evaluate the slagging and fouling potential of coal fly ash (CFA), biomass fly ash (BFA), and their blends. This …

CBR values of fly ash, overburden and mixes. | Download Table
CBR test results are reported here and also compared with similar results reported by Cetin et al. [29]. The CBR values of fly ash, mine overburden and the mixes are reported in Table 5.In ...

Evolution of thermal and mechanical properties of mine tailings and fly
Fly ash is often used as a binder for modifying the properties of geomaterials, such as organic and expansive soils, sludge from water treatment, dredged sediments, mine tailings, etc. Changes in ...

Long-Term Performance of Blended Cement Paste …
Fly ash, a supplementary cementitious material, is normally used in conjunction with portland cement to improve the durability properties of concrete in the field, such as sea …

Sustainable ternary cement blends with high-volume ground …
Coal fly ash and granulated ground blast furnace slag (GGBS) are more widely used as supplementary cementitious materials in cement production. This study investigates the influence of high-volume ordinary Portland cement (OPC) replacement with fly ash and/or GGBS on the flow, compressive strength and environmental impacts of …

Solidification and stabilization of Pb–Zn mine tailing with …
Pb–Zn mine tailing was immobilized with incineration fly ash and blast-furnace slag. • Slaking treatment of fly ash increased the strength and durability of unfired bricks. • The mechanical strength of unfired bricks reached 12.3 MPa after 56 days of curing. • Leaching of heavy metals from the unfired bricks met relevant environmental ...

An appraisal of the potential use of fly ash for reclaiming coal mine …
Growing dependence on coal-fired power plants for electrical generation in many countries presents ongoing environmental challenges. Burning pulverized coal in thermal power plants (TPPs) generates large amounts of fly ash (FA) that must be disposed of or otherwise handled, in an environmentally-sound manner. A possible …
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