آخرین محصولات

Ultrafine-grained Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy processed via cross …
TEM foils were prepared by grinding and polishing to a thickness of ∼50 μm, followed by Ar ion milling to perforation. Ion milling was carried out at −20 °C to avoid possible grain growth. ... Effect of heat treatments on the microstructures and tensile properties of an ultrafine-grained Al-Zn-Mg alloy processed by ECAP. J. Alloys Compd ...

ECAP passes experienced by the samples revealed large modifications of precipitation kinetics in the ultrafine-grained alloys with respect to the coarse-grained materials. Keywords: aging behaviour, Al–Mg–Si alloys, ECAP, scandium, ultra-fine grained alloys * Author for correspondence: [email protected]

Surface integrity and material removal mechanisms in high …
At a higher grinding speed, plastic deformation of the Al alloy matrix in the workpiece subsurface is distinctly mitigated, as indicated by larger Al grains and shallower lateral cracks in the Al alloy matrix shown in Fig. 7 a–c, which indicates that the strain-rate effect prevails for the Al alloy matrix in HSG of Al/SiCp MMCs as a result of ...

Combined rough and finish machining of Ti–6Al–4V alloy by
This study proposes a combined method for the electrochemical mill-grinding of Ti–6Al–4V alloy to achieve a high material removal rate, high machining accuracy and good surface quality based on rough and finish machining.

Precipitation strengthening of ultrafine-grained Al–Mg–Si alloy …
An ultrafine-grained (UFG) Al–Cu–Mg alloy (AA2024) was produced by surface mechanical grinding treatment (SMGT) with a high strain rate, and the precipitation behavior inside the grain and at the…

Ultrafine-grained aluminium alloys: processes, structural …
This chapter provides a review of the processing techniques based on severe plastic deformation (SPD), namely high pressure torsion and equal channel angular pressing, as applied to age-hardenable and non age-hardenable Al alloys.

Development of a Versatile Two-Step Etchant to Reveal …
in many aluminum alloy series other than the 7000 series. Barker's reagent is an effective etchant to create grain boundary contrast in a variety of aluminum alloys. Barker's ... Grinding time was approximately two minutes per grit with copious water rinsing to clean between each step. Polishing

Surface grain refinement of casting A380 aluminum alloy by …
The commercial A380 casting Al alloy (width: 25 mm, length: 100 mm, thickness: 2 mm) was processed using a MH-2016 ultrasonic welding machine from Sonobond Ultrasonics Inc. Fig. 1 (a) is the schematic of the experiment setup. The sonotrode was made of M2 steel ball with a radius of 12.5 mm.

The contribution of grain boundary sliding to the
Severe plastic deformation through high-pressure torsion is used to refine the grain structure of the Mg–Al–Zn alloy down to ~ 140 nm and low temperature annealing is used to produce samples with different grain sizes, within the ultrafine range. The mechanical behavior is investigated using different testing techniques including …

Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of a 5052 Al alloy
A. OM/EBSD observations. Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show cross-sectional OM micrographs of the annealed and 50 m/s-5 min RASP-processed 5052 Al alloy samples, respectively. Equiaxed grains with an average size of 70 μm were observed in the annealed sample [Fig. 1(a)].Apparently, the equiaxed coarse grains were deformed into elongated …

Surface microstructural alterations and grain refinement …
Ultrafine-grained (UFG) tungsten heavy alloys possess potential applications in precision instruments and nuclear protection. In the present study, a comprehensive investigation of machined surface microstructural alterations and grain refinement mechanisms in laser-assisted milling (LAM) 95W-3.5Fe-1.5Ni alloy was …

Ultrafine Grinding
This procedure does not continuously provide protruding abrasive grains, and is considered unsuitable for ultra-fine grinding of materials, especially with micrograin size grinding wheels. ... Wu et al. 18 produced chitosan ultrafine powder via irradiation of solid chitosan and jet milling. This technology can be used to produce chitosan ...

Energy-Efficient Advanced Ultrafine Grinding of Particles …
The present literature review explores the energy-efficient ultrafine grinding of particles using stirred mills. The review provides an overview of the different techniques for size reduction and the impact of energy requirements on the choice of stirred mills. It also discusses the factors, including the design, operating parameters, and feed material …

Production of ultra-fine grain microstructures in Al–Mg alloys …
1.. IntroductionThere are many potential advantages in the use of alloys with ultra-fine, or sub-micron grains for structural applications. At low temperatures aluminum alloys with sub-micron grain sizes have been shown to have higher elongation and yield strengths, compared to alloys with coarse grain sizes [1], [2], and it has recently been …

Ultrafine-Grained Materials
where D is the appropriate diffusion constant ( ={D}_0exp left(frac{-Q}{RT}right) ), D 0 is the frequency factor, Q is the activation energy, for the flow process, R is the gas constant, and T is the absolute temperature, G is the shear modulus, b is the burger vector, k is Boltzmann's constant, σ is the flow stress, n and p are the exponents …

Improving the grindability of titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V with …
Fig. 1 shows the schematic of the processing principle of UAPOG. A metal-bonded grinding wheel vibrating ultrasonically on its own axis at a frequency of f and a peak–peak amplitude of A p–p is rotated clockwise at a peripheral speed of V g, and a workpiece is fed to right at a feed rate of V w to perform an up-cut UAG operation. In the …

The influence of mechanical grinding on the …
microstructure modification and corrosion behaviour of Al-Si-Mg (A356) alloy castings in order to advance the understanding of potential corrosion issues. It is found that a near-surface ... revealing clearly the grinding tracks. Further, ultrafine equiaxed grains, with a diametre of less than 100 nm, are clearly shown by the channelling ...

Ultrafine-grained aluminium alloys: processes
The unusual mechanical properties of the Al alloys obtained by the various SPD methods considered are presented in terms of the ultrafine-grained microstructure and …

Developing high-strength ultrafine-grained pure Al via large …
In this paper, high-strength ultrafine-grained (UFG) pure aluminum (Al) was successfully achieved via a two-step processing route including room-temperature …

Metallography of aluminum insight | Struers
When working with aluminum and its alloys, we recommend mechanical grinding, followed by diamond polishing. For many pure aluminum and wrought alloy specimens, …

Ultimate Guide to Aluminum Oxide Grinding Wheels
Aluminum oxide grinding wheels are abrasive tools in which aluminum oxide grains are bonded together with a material to form a wheel of various shapes and sizes. This abrasive is chosen for its hardness, durability, and its ability to maintain sharp cutting edges. ... Versatility: Suitable for grinding ferrous metals, alloy steels, high …

Deformation induced grain boundary segregation in nanolaminated Al–Cu alloy
Before the surface mechanical grinding treatment (SMGT), alloy rods of 150 mm in length and 20 mm in diameter were solution treated at 540 °C for 6 h in vacuum followed by water quenching for obtaining supersaturated solid solution. ... Segregation of Cu along GBs was observed in an ultrafine grained Al–0.3 wt%Cu alloy prepared by …

Additive manufacturing of ultrafine-grained high-strength titanium alloys
Titanium alloys, in general, have a very low thermal conductivity 21, ≤16 W m −1 K −1, which may lead to interlamellar spacing coarsening from the surface to the core, owing to the variation ...

Metallographic preparation of aluminium and aluminium …
aluminium and aluminium alloys New alloys such as Al-Li and Ti-Al are manu-factured by powder metallurgical process and aluminium is also used as matrix metal for composites. Being a very multifaceted ... finely grinding the bauxite and heating it with sodium hydroxide under pressure. In this process a water soluble sodium alumi-

Ultrafine-Grained Aluminium Alloys: processes, Structural …
... Significant improvements of mechanical properties and superplasticity were observed due to the formation of a homogenous fine grain structure 4.8 µm in size after …

Ultrafine‐Grained Titanium‐Based Alloys: Structure and …
Herein, an overview of the recent research on the relationship between the ultrafine-grained (UFG) structure of titanium and its alloys and the physical and mechanical properties of the materials, as well as the formation of advanced functional and service properties, including fatigue strength, creep behavior, and impact and fracture …

Grinding Wheels for Aluminum: What to Know Before You …
The best way to avoid any dangers associated with aluminum grinding is to utilize proper air purification systems and safety gear when running the machines. Final Thoughts. Grinding wheels are a great way to remove stuck-on debris, welding residue, rust, and other imperfections from aluminum. They are also a great way to create a …

Metallography of aluminum insight | Struers
Ageing of aluminum alloys Many aluminum alloys are age hardened to improve the mechanical properties. This can be done either naturally or artificially. Natural age hardening (example AlCuMg). After solution …

Precipitation Behavior during Aging Operations in an Ultrafine …
An ultrafine-grained (UFG) Al-Cu-Mg alloy (AA2024) was produced by surface mechanical grinding treatment (SMGT) with a high strain rate, and the precipitation behavior inside the grain and at the grain boundary was investigated. During SMGT, element segregation at the boundary was rarely observed, s …

Development of Ultrafine Grain Structure in an Al–Mg–Mn–Sc–Zr Alloy
Abstract Mechanisms of grain refinement under multidirectional isothermal forging (MIF) at 325 °C (~ 0.65 Tm) and the strain rate 10− 4 s− 1 of the Al–Mg-based alloy with complex additions of transition metals were investigated. The starting alloy had an equiaxed grain structure with grain size 25 µm and a uniform distribution of coherent …
محصولات مرتبط
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