آخرین محصولات

Key EPA Actions to Address PFAS | US EPA
This step improves transparency and accountability to clean up PFAS contamination in communities. In addition to the final rule, EPA issued a separate CERCLA enforcement discretion policy that makes clear that EPA will focus enforcement on parties who significantly contributed to the release of PFAS chemicals into the environment.

Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia | US EPA
Mineral Mining and Processing; Ore Mining and Dressing; NPDES requirements to control wastewater discharges from mining operations (includes information about Good Samaritan Initiative) Exclusion of mining and mineral processing waste from regulation under RCRA Subtitle C; RCRA legislative and regulatory timeline …

Mining Guidance for National Environmental Policy Act Reviews
Mining Guidance for National Environmental Policy Act Reviews This guidance assists EPA reviewers in providing comments on National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents for non-coal mining activities proposed on federal lands.

Mountaintop Mining Research | US EPA
EPA research on mountaintop mining examines the impacts of mining on headwater streams and other water resources near mining sites. This research lends scientific support to guidance documents for land managers to provide for mining flexibility while protecting the environment and public health.

Opportunities to Address Coal Mine Methane Emissions …
The Global Methane Initiative: A Global Partnership Supporting Coal Mine Methane Recovery and Utilization. The U.S. government plays a leading role in the Global Methane Initiative (GMI), launched in 2004.GMI is an international partnership of 46 countries and hundreds of private sector and multilateral partners focused on reducing …

Regulatory and Guidance Information by Topic: Water | US EPA
Policy and Guidance. Guidance for 1994 Section 303(d) Lists; Integrated Reporting Guidance; Mercury. See Cross-Cutting Issues: Mercury. Mountaintop Mining. See Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia. Oceans and Coastal Waters Laws and Regulations. BEACH Act (Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act …

Regulating U.S. Mining
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. is 100 percent import reliant for 18 minerals – 14 of which have been deemed "critical" by the Secretaries of Defense and the Interior – and more than …

ReefLink Database | Research | US EPA
Mining policies are specific to where, when, what and how non-living natural resources can be extracted. These policies ensure the safety of workers during the removal process, as well as ensuring the safety of the communities and the natural environment in the surrounding area. ... EPA/840/B-92/002, US EPA, Washington, DC.

Navajo Nation: Cleaning Up Abandoned Uranium Mines | US EPA
This site provides information about the progress of EPA's cleanup of abandoned uranium mines on Navajo and Hopi lands and in other areas of Arizona and New Mexico, including health impacts, major enforcement and removal milestones, and community actions. ... EPA Fact Sheet: Lukachukai Mountain Mining District is Now a …

Mining (except Oil and Gas) Sector (NAICS 212) | US EPA
EPA Regulatory and enforcement information for metal mining and nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying. Includes information about asbestos, coal mining, mountaintop mining, Clean Water Act section 404, and abandoned mine lands. ... Abandoned Mine Land: Policy and Guidance: ...

Abandoned Mine Lands: Policy and Guidance | Superfund
Policy: Policy on Joint Repositories at Mixed-Ownership Hardrock Mine Sites (PDF) (7 pp, 381 K) April 2005. Final Policy on Listing Mixed Ownership Mine or Mill Sites Created as a Result of the General Mining Law of 1872 on the Federal Agency Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket (PDF) (4 pp, 281 K) June 2003. EPA's National Hardrock …

Federal Environmental Laws that Govern U.S. Mining
More than three dozen federal environmental laws and regulations cover all aspects of mining. The following list includes some of those major laws. In addition, each state has …

Memoranda of Understanding: Surface Coal Mining | US EPA
Consistent with existing regulations, guidance and policies, WVDEP is responsible for the review of applications for and authorization of permits to engage in surface mining and reclamation activities pursuant to WVSMCRA. ... CWA Section 404), including discharges of excess spoil material (i.e. valley fills) associated with surface …

Climate Change Regulatory Actions and Initiatives …
As directed in Executive Order 13990, Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis, EPA is considering rulemaking proposals to address some of our …

What are environmental regulations on mining activities?
These laws outline the responsibilities of several federal agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in regulating mining operations. Other acts, such as the Safe Drinking Water Act, can be relevant to specific mining operations. ... The NEPA, passed in 1969, established the basic environmental policies for the nation. …

Biden-Harris Administration Finalizes Stronger Clean Air …
WASHINGTON – Today, April 9, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a final rule that will significantly reduce toxic air pollution from chemical plants, including ethylene oxide and chloroprene. EPA's action will advance President Biden's commitment to environmental justice by slashing more than 6,200 tons of toxic air pollution each year, …

Abandoned Mine Lands: Revitalization and Reuse | US EPA
Reuse. As part of EPA's commitment to finding innovative and effective solutions to the potential threats abandoned mine lands pose to human health and the environment, significant attention is being focused on potential future uses of these lands, and the economic, environmental, and social impact that reuse can provide.

Biden-Harris Administration Finalizes Suite of Standards to …
WASHINGTON – Today, April 25, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a suite of final rules to reduce pollution from fossil fuel-fired power plants in order to protect all communities from pollution and improve public health without disrupting the delivery of reliable electricity. These rules, finalized under separate authorities including the Clean …

About Coal Mine Methane | US EPA
How is methane emitted from coal mines? There are three primary ways methane is released because of mining activities: Degasification systems at active underground mines.Also commonly referred to as drainage systems, these systems employ vertical and/or horizontal wells to recover methane before (pre-mine drainage) or during …

EPA Policies: Creating Appalachian Mining Jobs
SO, EPA's continued protection of human health and clean water is driving production away from surface mining and towards underground mining, which employs far more people. Ergo (and this is the really important part)… 2) EPA's mining policies are creating mining jobs in Central Appalachia that otherwise would not have existed.

U.S. EPA's Hardrock Mining Framework
continue to manage its responsibilities efficiently, including those related to mining. The collective experie nce of EPA Regional offices and Headquarters in addressing the environmental concern s posed by mining should be shared and serve as a b asis for development of consistent Agency policies for mine sites.

Mineral Mining and Processing Effluent Guidelines …
The EPA promulgated the Mineral Mining and Processing Effluent Guidelines and Standards (40 CFR Part 436) in 1975, and …

Abandoned Mine Lands
Best Practices: EPA has issued "Best Practices to Prevent Releases from Impoundments at Abandoned Mine Sites while Conducting CERCLA Response Actions."EPA developed these best practices to prevent and minimize the potential for sudden uncontrolled releases of fluid mine waste that could result from the Agency's …

Abandoned Mines Cleanup | US EPA
This site provides information about the progress of EPA's cleanup of abandoned uranium mines at Tronox, including health impacts, major enforcement and removal milestones, and community actions. ... identifies the next steps in addressing the human health and environmental risks associated with the legacy of uranium mining on …

Coal Mining Effluent Guidelines | US EPA
EPA promulgated the Coal Mining Effluent Guidelines and Standards (40 CFR Part 434) in 1975, and amended the regulation in 1976, 1977, 1979, 1982, 1985 and 2002. The regulation covers wastewater discharges from mine drainage, coal storage facilities, and coal preparation plants. ... NPDES policy documents for mining facilities; …

Incentives and Policies | US EPA
States with the most renewable project development on contaminated lands, landfills, and mine sites typically have fostered, designed, and implemented longstanding, state-specific programs that prioritize the reuse of underutilized lands. The RE-Powering Policy Map shows the impact of certain RE-Powering policies at the state level.

Abandoned Mine Lands: Policy and Guidance | US EPA
EPA developed these best practices to prevent and minimize the potential for sudden uncontrolled releases of fluid mine waste that could result from the Agency's …

Abandoned Mine Lands: Technical Resources | US EPA
These reports are generally highly technical in nature and are used to support Agency policy and guidance. These reports are provided to assist readers in better understanding the range of environmental issues found at AMLs. ... EPA Mine Waste Technology Program. Integrated Passive Biological Treatment Process Demonstration. …

Climate Change | US EPA
Understanding and addressing climate change is critical to EPA's mission of protecting human health and the environment. EPA tracks and reports greenhouse gas emissions, leverages sound science, and invests in America to combat climate change.. EPA is committed to protecting the environment and public health in low-income, tribal …

About the Office of Policy (OP) | About EPA | US EPA
National Center for Environmental Economics (NCEE) What We Do. Economic analysis plays a central role in informing EPA decision-making. The National Center for Environmental Economics (NCEE) leads the Agency's work in this area, with a range of expert economists specializing in evaluating the economic costs, benefits and …
محصولات مرتبط
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- دستگاه خرد کن گرانیت ISO ce sgs
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